Sunday 9 February 2014


I'm ruby, an Aussie teenager.
i'm kind of, shy and weird and really like fun. I guess everyone likes fun but yeah, haha.
this is a kinda online diary thing for me i guess, or at leaast, thats what im hoping it will be - a place where i can write my thoughts and feelings and not be judged - which sounds pretty good to me!

i dont actually know what i will put here, but ill figure it out as this goes on.


to start with i'll tell a story of a moment of my weekend.
I was hanging out the washing - believe it or not this is a process I enjoy because it means i go out into the sunlight and the air, and i tend to sing and dance around when im in my backyard because its private and stuff and it makes me happy. Exercise releases endorphins/happy chemical things which sound like dolphins and make you happy right? Same as chocolate. Coincidence haha. Anyway, back to the point. i stood on something soft - possibly soft like some poor native animal my neighbours cat killed - and freaked out and gasped and jumped away slightly. Then I looked at it. It was a sock.
This story is a metaphor for my life i think. Not sure how but it seems about right. 'This is thy life...' Is that a shakespeare quote? something like that, anyway.
So yeah.
Grand Story of my Life... i dont really know why i posted this but anyway its my thoughts hehe, hello! (Hello is counting as a parting greeting now too, okay)

p.s. other posts will be more interesting, I promise...